The picture is of Pineapple Sage which has been flowering since about December in the greenhouse. It's quite tender but I'm bringing it out during the day now to harden it off. This plant is from a cutting I took from a plant I was given last year. Cuttings root in water in a matter of days and the leaves really do smell of pineapple.
I've been quite busy today. I gave the Forsythia a hard prune now it's finished flowering and I've put a large pot of Honeysuckle underneath to grow through it to add some interest in the summer months as well as to smell nice and hopefully attract butterflies. Then I planted out the Lychnis coronaria I grew from seed last year. This plant used to self-seed quite readily a few years back but then one year I lost it all. I've kept a few plants back in the greenhouse in case the slugs and snails decide to have a feast! I also sowed grass seed in an old window box by the shed. I'll let it grow long in the hope of creating a breeding ground for moths and butterflies.
I trimmed the edges of my lawn path and put in some extra solar lights. I'm still looking for some new border edging and stepping stones which is a bit annoying really as I wanted to get that job done whilst the ground was still relatively wet and workable. The job will be so much harder if I leave it much longer.
The next job was a regular one, rearranging the pots on the concrete path. Things that have gone over like the Hellebores and some of the Primroses have been hidden at the end of the garden by the shed and replaced with Aquilegias and Hesperis, both of which are in good leaf now. In doing so I was concerned to see that there is still no sign of new growth on any of my three pots of Fuchsia Lady Boothby. It is supposed to be hardy so it's just as well I took some cuttings last year just in case.
Finally I sowed more seeds including the edibles I mentioned yesterday and more flowers to attract beneficial insects such as Cuckooflower and Devil's Bit Scabius.
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