Saturday 26 April 2008

Visitors Good and Bad

It was a glorious day here today. I cut the grass, potted on a few plants and made up some 12" planters for the end of the driveway. I've chosen some 'overflow' plants from the greenhouse and put a Pelargonium Quercifolim, Lychnis Coronaria and Hesperis Matronalis plant in each. It's not a mix I've tried before but hopefully the colour combination of white, deep pink and magenta flowers and silver, mid green and dark green foliage will work.
I managed to fix my camera too and thus I'm able to show the Dicentra Spectablis plant I mentioned yesterday: I love it.
On the wildlife front the good news is that I had a pair of collared doves visiting the bird feeder today - I can't recall seeing any in the garden before. The bad news is that I found my first Lily beetle of the season. I hate killing things but I'm afraid it had to be squished. I got some pond weed for the tadpoles and arranged it artistically in the water feature. But every time I went back to take a peep the taddies had rearranged it! I'll leave them to it I think.

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