Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Moths and more

I'm trying to learn more about moths and I've got a number of books about them now. Nevertheless I was unable to identify this particular moth who sat on the same leaf all afternoon on Sunday without once opening its wings. Fortunately when I posted the picture on the Allotments4All forum someone was able to tell me that it was an Angle Shades. It's rather attractive I think.
It seems that everyday there is something new to report as the weather continues to be warm and sunny. At last I spotted a few native ladybirds and the hoverflies are in seventh heaven as the Hesperis is in full bloom and smells wonderful. The Ox-eye Daisies are smothered with buds, the Dutch Iris is showing promising signs of flowering soon and the first flowers are out on the Sage and Garlic Mustard. The Cala Lilies are just peeping through as are the Galtonia viridiflora.
On the edibles front there are quite a few tiny fruits on the Tomatoes, a good few fruits on the Strawberries, lots of flowers on the Broad Beans and the Par-cel and Parsley are vigorous and looking healthy. Oh and my first Chilli flower opened today on Trifetti: it's white and tinged purple at the petal edges - very pretty.

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