I've been gardening in steady drizzle today but some jobs just couldn't wait. The first was to tie in some of the Aquilegias (pictured) because at over four feet tall now they were getting a bit top heavy. Then I did the same with the Hesperis and now I can get down the path without knocking into one or the other.
At last I planted the Gladiolus callianthus in a 12" pot. After adding plenty of crocks in the bottom I used a good quality potting compost mixed with Perlite and slow release organic plant food. The bulbs were planted 6" deep on a layer of sharp sand and I gave them a puff of yellow sulphur for good measure to reduce the risk of rot. The top of the pot has an inch of gravel and I watered them in well. Now all I have to do is wait and hope they don't get eaten by the slugs and snails!
I sowed seeds of Arnica, Milk Thistle and Tree Spinach and pricked out a Mustard seedling (using the remaining seedlings for my cheese sandwich at lunch time - yummy). I also potted on (yet another) Pineapple Sage cutting into a 5" pot. That's five plants I have now so I really must stop there. The Ipomoea 'Alba' seeds have germinated already and the first leaves are huge. They will have to go into individual pots very soon and be hardened off. I might try them in a pot by the kitchen door this year as I'm rapidly running out of room in the sunny border.
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