Sunday, 17 May 2009

Short and sweet

Family matters have kept me away from the garden this week so there is not a great deal to report.
The picture is of Arum Italicum which opened a couple of days ago in the shady corner. Also in bloom this week were more Alliums and Aquilegias and I have buds on Bluebells and Tradescantia.
The Sweet Basil, three types of Cucumber and Courgette seeds sown last weekend have all germinated and there are buds on Chilli Trifetti and Pineapple Physallis. I have pricked out Coriander and Pansy seedlings and potted on the Tomato Micro plants which I've moved to the greenhouse.
And now for a word about my hanging baskets. The winter ones which each contained a Carex, three Ivy-type plants and three Cyclamen are all still thriving apart from the Cyclamen which got too wet and rotted. So I've decided to replace the Cyclamen with things I've grown from seed. As a result two now contain Dianthus, two trailing Sweet Peas and two Birds Foot Trefoil. Yes, I know that sounds like a designer's nightmare but it will either work or it won't. Time will tell.


Jo said...

I'd love to see your baskets once the new plants get established.
I was given some Arum seeds last year and I planted them up. They've been in the greenhouse over winter and I thought they weren't going to germinate, then about two months ago just one of them popped up. It's still very small so I don't know if it's going to grow or not, but we can but try!

Carole said...

Hi Jo

I'll try to remember to post pics of the hanging baskets but if I forget please remind me.

Arums tend to self-seed everywhere so I'm sure yours will be fine. If not let me know and I'll send you some ripe seed later in the year.

G x