Friday, 17 July 2009

Hanging baskets

I've mentioned before that my winter hanging baskets kept so well this year that I decided to keep them going and just replace the Cyclamen (which rotted in the wet) with plants raised from seeds in the greenhouse, giving them a top dressing of fresh compost mixed with slow release organic fertiliser.
Well Jo, one of my followers, asked for a photo so here it is. In the centre of the basket is bronze Carex which has very attractive seed heads. I have no idea what the trailing, Ivy-like, green plant is and the colour is provided by trailing Sweet Pea 'Cupid mixed'. I have two basket like this. Two others contain Dianthus 'Siberian Blues' which are also looking good. The final two have Bird's Foot Trefoil in and these, so far, are the most disappointing as the plants are taking a long time to put on any decent growth and have yet to flower. But the plant has very pretty leaves and if it does eventually flower then I think it will be fine. Ever the optimist!


Jo said...

Thanks for showing us this, Georgie. It looks really good, I can see why you couldn't uproot everything to plant up a summer basket.
I think the Carex looks great, and is something which I wouldn't have ever thought about putting in a hanging basket. I've never really been a big fan of grasses, but having second thoughts now as I thought the pots you planted up with carex, cyclamen and a dwarf conifer last year looked really good.

Carole said...

Thanks Jo. :)

I can let you have some bronze Carex seeds or blue Fescue seeds if you like but to be honest they don't do a great deal in their first year, bulking up much better in their second year.

Ooh, that's given me an idea. Blue Fescue with trailing Rosemary and my Pansies for winter baskets this year. What do you think?

G x

Flighty said...

I often see hanging baskets that don't appeal, due I suppose to the planting, but this one really looks good!
I also like your idea of blue fescue, rosemary and pansies which sound like an ideal combination. xx

Carole said...

I have to say I agree with you, Flighty, so many hanging baskets are just too colourful for my taste. I particularly dislike yellow and pink together which is what Westminster council have gone for this year, quite an eyesore IMHO.

G x

Jo said...

Yes, I think your winter basket plan sounds great. Don't forget to post a pic.
Thanks for your offer of the seeds, but if I do decide to have some grasses I will probably buy them already established if they don't do much in their first year. There's that instant gratification again,lol.