Saturday, 11 October 2008


My day started with a trip to the local nursery. I went for more compost and some Violas but as usual came back with considerably more. The first bargain was 10 bags of decorative stones reduced from £3.99 to 50p each. I'll use them as I need them to top off pots of perennials. I picked up a tray of 24 yellow Violas, then I spotted some very healthy Carex grasses. I thought these would look good with the Violas so I popped 5 in the trolley. Well, that was until I came across some lovely dwarf conifers (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Snow White) for an amazing 99p each and some gorgeous Cyclamen with deep magenta flowers. So I got three conifers and six Cyclamen. The trolley now full I decided that was enough for one day (apart from the compost of course which they helpfully carry to the car for weaklings like me).
Back home in the garden the first task was to plant up the remainder of the spring bulbs in pots. I did two with Tulip Praetens Fusilier and Narcissi Tete a Tete, one with Leucojum and Tete and Tete, one with Hyacinth City of Haarlem and one with Narcissi Chinita.
Looking over my purchases I then planted up three pots, each with a conifer, a Carex and two Cyclamen. This leaves me with the task of planting up the two remaining Carex plants with some of the Violas and Tete a Tete in two more containers tomorrow. The rest of the Violas will go in the windowbox.
The picture is of Gladiolus Callianthus which I've grown for the first time this year. It's a very attractive flower but sadly the blooms don't last very long and I couldn't detect the scent that was promised. It certainly doesn't earn its keep in a pot and I think it would be more suited to the back of the border. I gather the bulbs are a little tender so once the foliage has died down I'll over-winter them in the shed and see if I can find a spot for them in the sunny border next year.


Anonymous said...

I love to hear what other people buy from their local nurseries. You certainly got some bargain's there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo. I'm so lucky to have such a good local nursery. I'lll be going again soon so I'll be certain to report back. :D

G x