Monday, 14 September 2009

My experiments for next year

Well, my Myrtle is blooming as you can see from the photo: it's so pretty and it smells divine. And I've made my decision about my experimental plants for next year and yes, they are fruits.
The first will be Pepino (Melon Pear or Solanum muricatum) which I will be growing from seed from T&M. The second is Melon 'outdoor wonder' from Marshalls, as someone has kindly offered to send me a few seeds, and finally I might try a dwarf Apricot from Bakker, another recommendation from a gardening friend.


Flighty said...

What a lovely picture! Good luck with your interesting experimental selection for next year.
No doubt that I'll be trying something new as well, probably a vegetable! xx

Carole said...

Thanks Flighty. Although having just read the thread in A4A about the Melon I'm wondering whether it's worth bothering. :(

G x

Jo said...

What a gorgeous flower.
I tried melon in the greenhouse a couple of years ago, and didn't get one fruit. The apricot sounds good, especially if it can be grown in a container. My cherry tree didn't do too well this year, so I'm pinning my hopes on next year.
As for something new to grow next year, I'm still deciding.