Monday, 18 August 2008

Daughter's wedding day approaches

My daughter is getting married on Saturday 23 August so I spent yesterday having a good tidy up after all the wind and rain of late. I'm hoping that all my Fuchsias will put on a good display on the day, particularly 'Happy Wedding Day' which I am growing from a cutting sent to me by a friend last year. (The one pictured is Royal Mosaic which was a freebie.)
Apart from cutting the grass, edging it, pruning some of the larger shrubs, staking perennials and moving some of the pots around I've been gathering lots of seeds for next year. I've also been harvesting more Cues, Toms, Physallis and Raspberries, all of which continue to do well.
And pottering around I was surprised to see Kerria, Cyclamen and Primroses in flower for the second time this year. Proof that there are advantages to a cooler summer!

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